Hey suga suga
What’d you get up to this week? Any Xmas shopping? No? Okay GREAT, cause I’ve got some gift ideas that need your attention STAT.
A wise woman once tweeted
“People that bash on getting in the Christmas spirit in November are not the kind of people I need in my life “
That is how I feel every year. As far as I’m concerned as soon as the stroke of midnight hits Halloween night, the tricks are done and I’m busy spreading Christmas cheer.. quite literally but with more like screeches of excitement.
Therefore, gift guides are totally due.
I’m breaking this into two separate posts. One now and one in a couple weeks cause I mean the more the merrier, right?
Even if you’re already done xmas shopping AND wrapping {really?}, I’ve included some stocking stuffers that might fill an empty spot here or there ;)
True Confessions
Obsessed with these shirts. True Confessions is a CALGARY {represent} based company that is creating hilariously sassy stylish t-shirts that make a perfect gift this season. Plus, because I think they are so bad ass I reached out to them and they were more then happy to provide my besties {ya YOU} with a discount code.
Use code:
for 15% off ANYTHING on their site.
David’s Tea Winter Collection
One time my BFF got me a bunch of different David’s tea, a teapot and more of their goodies. It was one of my fav gifts, which is why I HAD to include this idea. Right now David’s tea has a winter collection out that is dynamite. It makes for the perfect gift to just about anyone. You can even COOK with tea. Follow David’s Tea on Pinterest for recipe ideas or just hit up good ol’ Google for even more ideas.

Bauble Bar
Uhmmmm Hi Bauble Bar’s Holiday Shop is NOW OPEN and you really should check it out. They have the coolest baubles like these earrings below. Great gifts for mom, auntie, g-ma, your BFF, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, friendly neighbour, your hairstylist, random kiosk lady at the mall, I mean really ANYONE.
I wasn’t sure what to title this section because literally everything at Sephora during the holiday season are great gifts. Ugh, talk about overwhelming, so I’ve picked a few favs to keep you from stressing.
Remember when I told you guys I wanted to try that Boscia Konjac Sponge? Well I got it.. and it’s amazing.
I swear my pores vanish as soon as I bring that thing out. It’s my new fav. So here is a kit by Boscia that I think is pretty rad.
I JUST got this set, so far so good my friends.
The protect & perfect oil goes on really nicely and provides great hydration which is key during the holiday season.
Holiday sets are high on my gift list.
When I think of gifts for people I think of buying them something they wouldn’t buy themselves and the best bang for your buck. These sets are so great because they provide an array of different products to try instead of having to buy one full size product and hope you made the right choice.
For the guys in your life ;) LOVE John Varvatos.
Sometimes you and your BFF need complimenting scents. Elizabeth and James Nirvana black and white scents make this possible…. so one for you and one for me.
Alright kitten, I’ll be back with more gift guides reeeeeeeal soon so don’t you fret. Until then, check out the gifts above and comment below with any questions or suggestions you have.
Chat soon ;)
xxoo Drea Marie