TSC Bombshell Body Guide #Midway

Hey Pumpkin ha..ha. So yea it’s Halloween today!!! Who’s ready?! Me either. So get all my last minute Halloween tips and treats from last weeks post. But today is different. All those tricks & treats tonight are most likely going to throw a wicked spell on your diet/workout routine… SO, I’m here with a easy peasy plan to make sure you don’t fall down the rabbit hole between Halloween and Christmas. It’s not about being “skinny” or having to lose weight. The entire focus today is on health. Seriously love that quote. Which is why I seriously love TSC Bombshell Body Guide. It’s about balance… And sustainability and toning and eating right {most of the time}. But honestly, TSC Bombshell Body Guide has been the most sustainable workout […]

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Thanksgiving Tips + Fashions {& a treat }

Hey gorgey Thanksgiving is this weekend. Yeah that means food, family gatherings, friends, chilly weather, and Grannies famous pumpkin pie. So I’ve got 2 parts to this weeks post. 1.} How not to gain 5 lbs from Thanksgiving 2.} What to wear for Thanksgiving dinner As mentioned before, our frenemy ‘Food’ will be at Thanksgiving dinner. In order to keep you and Food from having a complete meltdown cat fight this year, follow these 5 secrets: 1.} Pick the small plate You can still sit at the adult table but pick the small plate. It’ll help you with portion control. If you’re still starved after one plate you can always get more but if it’s in front of you you’re more likely to finish it all and […]

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Obsession Confession: nuPasta

Hay again I’m liking this multiple visits a week thing we have going on. Okay but seriously. This weeks obsession is nuPasta. Omg you guys it’s unreal!!! It tastes like real pasta WITHOUT the carbs. Okay so it’s like this: nuPasta uses the Konjac plant rather then high calorie starches. The Konjac Plant root is the edible part. The root looks like a yam or taro. The root is high in fibre with very little starch. Glucomannan+water compound is the main component of the konjac four. It remains stable when digested, which gives us that full feeling. In addition nuPasta has many other health benefits. Check it alllll out HERE. Also, Dr. Oz has mentioned Konjac root and Glucomannan before as a way to control your hunger. Check it out. WHAT […]

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THE Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe.

chocolate chip cookie

Morning sweet cheeks omg okay so I’m just gunna jump right in. Today I’m spilling THE Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe. Note an emphasis on “THE” and the period. Ladies this recipe fixes problems. Heart breaks mend, in-law drama resolves, frenemies turn into BFFs and everyone has a little pep in their step. Plus boys LOVE them. Adam is so obsessed with this recipe and so am I.  Now please note this is NOT a diet recipe. I repeat it is NOT DIET. BUT you literally need to have this chocolate chip cookie recipe for those 911 Emergency’s that quinoa cupcakes with carrot juice frosting just won’t fix. THE Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe. Ingredients: 1/2 tsp baking soda 2 cups plus 2 tbsp flour 1/2 tsp salt […]

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