Drea Marie shares her experience with laser genesis. Stacey of Aesthetic ImageWorks in Calgary, AB works wonders.

You KNOW I’ll try pretty much anything for you.  HENCE why we need to talk about laser genesis. INTRIGUED? Yeah me too. Let’s start at the beginning. OKAY I seriously went in for dermaplaning. Remember when I wrote about how I shave my face? But I had never actually tried the highly praised dermaplaning process. So I needed to see if what I was doing at home is the exact same or NOT.  Then I met Stacey. Stacey is a licensed medical aesthetician. She knows what she’s talking about. We chatted about dermaplaning BUT you guys I was having a breakout near by chin, UGH, life right? Stacey was like well we could do some laser genesis instead and take care of that. UM. Come […]

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I Am SO Over Grocery Shopping. Hello Chefs Plate.

Drea Marie is SO OVER grocery shopping. So she found Chefs Plate, a grocery/recipe delivery service in Calgary, AB. CHECK IT OUT.

But seriously. SO OVER IT. Not to mention the lines at Costco. On a Sunday. *eyeroll* So I started searching for anyway to avoid it and came across Chefs Plate. I had never had a meal delivery service before but loved the idea of Chefs Plate. They deliver recipes and ALL the groceries that go along with those recipes right to your door. PLUS it’s not just in Calgary… they deliver to Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia, & Manitoba and they are expanding quickly. So you still cook it AKA it’s fresh for whichever day you want to make it but the prep is cut in half. Maybe even more than half.  NOT TO MENTION the number of times I’ve forgotten something I’ve needed for a recipe and sat on my […]

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Citizen Dental Hygiene is Changing the Dental Game.

Drea is sharing her fav dental hygiene spot in Calgary. Citizen Dental Hygiene has a budget friendly karma program PLUS FREE LASER WHITENING.

Can we talk about something that affects ALL of us for a second? How freaking expensive is dental work? Like, ALL of it. From check ups to cleanings to cavities and extensive work. ESPECIALLY if you don’t have insurance. One of the many reasons a lot of my family and friends visit the dentist maybe once every couple years.. if that.  Plus let’s be honest, blowing our entire pay cheque on someone scraping our teeth is NOT fun, especially during tough economic times. Well YYC you are in LUCK. I’m not just saying this.  Have you heard of Citizen Dental Hygiene? Well first of all they are AWESOME, and secondly, they get us. They fully understand because they have lived through those stomach dropping dental […]

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Best Local YYC Boutiques

Drea Marie is sharing the Best Local YYC Boutiques. We're talking clothes, makeup and some other fun hot spot!

photo from Adorn Boutique Hiiii hi hi How is everyone?! Thursday hey? Friday eve as I like to call it. Sounds like the perfect day to start planning our weekend. PLUS IT’S INSANELY GORGEOUS OUT! Well, in YYC. We’re talking the best local YYC boutiques. I’ve put together a list of my favs for clothing, makeup and I’m going to dabble with the kids/mens too. You all know I’m sans children but I’ve done my research… AKA asked my GF for the best of the best. KILLARNY VANITY VAULT CALGARY The cutest makeup boutique. You know I LOVE Sephora and I do, but to mix things up, go check out Vanity Vault.   MISSION MODERN MENSWEAR Men, go here. If you’re looking for a trendy […]

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