Hairstory NEW WASH is the 2017 Way to Clean Your Hair.

Calgary based lifestyle blogger Drea Marie shares the 2017 way to clean your hair; Hairstory New Wash! She's found her hair haven.

Holy Guacamole. I HAVE to share this like right NOW. There is a way to clean your hair WITHOUT dehydrating shampoo.  No longer do we have to fear that our hair is “breaking” from removing natural oils with chemical packed shampoo. The days of not shampooing for a week or caking on the dry shampoo 5 days in a row are OVER. Those can stay in 2016 as far as I’m concerned. This year is all about Hairstory’s NEW WASH. Let’s start at the very beginning. About a month and a bit ago I read this article on Immediately I was intrigued. I LOVE Bumble & Bumble. You guys know I am constantly featuring prêt-à-powder on the blog. Plus, the fab hair salon {Hedkandi} I […]

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The New MacBook Pro 2016 is LEGIT.

OH HIIIII did you forget about me? HOW WAS EVERYONE’S NEW YEARS?! Or are we not talking about that night yet? Fair. New subject. Who needs a new laptop? Who has been constantly deleting files and having temper tantrums when their laptop slows down to 1990 dial up speed? I HEAR YA. It’s a different world. A much faster world. If Mom doesn’t text me back in 1 minute I assume she’s given up on me. Kidding Mom. But we are all expecting lightning speed in every aspect of our lives now. It’s just our generation. SO when my MacBook Air from first year University was having a panic attack with every photo upload I would calmly tell myself ‘One day… one day we will move […]

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NYE Outfits // Here we go

It’s New Years EVE!!!! Holy. Okay I’ve been MIA, I know. BUT who else literally falls into a black hole between Christmas and New Years? I was pretty much walking around in my pajamas the whole time wondering who I was and what year am I was in. I also don’t think the sugar coma helped. GAHHH life reset. HOW PERFECT! It’s HOURS until 2017!!!! New year new you. I’m throwin’ it back to last years 2016 resolutions and seeing how far I’ve come…. [1] More blogging. > Yes! I took more risks, blogged more and have had a very successful year blogwise! [2] More photography. > Yeah girl. Next step… New camera. [3] More yoga + health & wellness > It’s been a rollercoaster. However, […]

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MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! IT’S DECEMBER 24TH!!! AND THE FINAL DAY OF BLOGMAS! Gosh I am just FULL OF FESTIVE-NESS TODAY. It’s the most wonderful day of the year! How do you guys spend it? What are your traditions? I love watching Christmas movies on Christmas day. Cuddling up in Xmas pjs for a Christmas movie marathon with baileys + coffee is how I want to live my life.   + National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation + Elf + A Christmas Story + Christmas with the Kranks + Jingle All The Way + Ernest Saves Christmas + Love Actually + The Santa Clause + The Polar Express + How the Grinch Stole Christmas + Four Christmases   It’s a quick snapper today since there are a number of Christmas Eve […]

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