Obsession Confession: Hangover Helper Tea

Hey you guys Okay so just wanted to pop in and say whats up. Oh and also share with you my latest obsession. Hangover helper tea. OMG it’s so good. I’ve been drinking it 24/7. It’s the Hangover Helper tea from DAVIDsTEA…. FYI I’m not drinking it 24/7 cause I’m hungover, scouts honor. But it’s actually THAT tasty. You NEED to get some ASAP!! Okay so it’s an Organic Maté tea. Rooibos, maté, ginger, lemongrass, apple mint, lemon myrtle, guarana seeds, dandelion root. Fruity, refreshing and oh so tasty for morning, afternoon or evening. It’s a mouth full of appley, gingery and lemoney goodness. Easy on the tummy.. AKA It really is the perfect hangover helper too ;)     Click below for more info on their […]

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Obsession Confession: Cozy Cinnamon Coffee

Surprise surprise gorgeous IT’S DECEMBER 1st!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY. I have this amazing Obsession Confession for you to spice up your holiday season. It’s my Obsession Confession: Cozy Cinnamon Coffee I love Christmas. And I also love coffee. So my GF Raquelle told me a little secret…. her dad would put a teaspoon of CINNAMON into the grounds before pressing “BREW” on the coffee maker…. SOOO I TRIED IT. It was unreal. You guys, this cozy coffee tastes like your very own homemade Starbucks Gingerbread Latte, for when someone is too lazy to go fetch you one. It’s warm, cinnamony, and insanely yummy. Feel free to adjust the amount of cinnamon to your preference. I also add a bit of french vanilla creamer too. So thats it thats all my loves. […]

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Vegan Oil-Free Pesto

Yesterday I was in the middle of making my homemade vegan oil-free pesto when it hit me… I haven’t even shared it with you guys yet… Like… I assumed I had because this recipe is everything. It is: dairy-free, oil-free AND diet friendly. I use it ALL the time. Vegan Oil-Free Pesto Ingredients: 1 cup diced Zucchini 1 handful fresh basil leaves { I usually throw in a little more cause I <3 Basil } 4 garlic gloves minced 1/2 cup raw walnut pieces or raw hazelnuts { your preference } 1/4 cup water 2 tbs lemon juice 1/2 tsp salt { or to taste } Directions: Literally toss all the ingredients into a food processor and blend!! DONE. At this point I either add […]

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