Oh HAYYYYY, So I decided to write a letter to Santa. Because why not?  I feel like he needs to know EXACTLY what I’ve narrowed down for my WISHLIST this year. I mean I started out with about 30 items but these are my top 7.         The G wagon is totally necessary. I mean I DO live in Alberta. Safety first!   Anyways, I gotta go get this to my boyfriend for him to send to Santa ASAP.  Chat later gorgeous.         + Head to KIRSTEN’S BLOG HERE to enter today’s exclusive giveaway!    IT’S A TARGET GIFT CARD.    xxoo Drea Marie

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TENTH DAY OF BLOGMAS: Best Christmas Cookie Recipes

HOLIDAY BAKING DAY!!!!! Pour yourself a cup of coffee, crank up the Christmas tunes and let’s get baking!!! Every single year I bake during the holidays. Even if I’m INSANELY busy. I’ve mastered the art of great baking that is super quick & easy. TWO out of the three are no-bake as well!!! I feel like I can’t explain just how much these recipes are loved. I am asked time and time again for the recipes. I guarantee your company will be gobbling these recipes up quicker than an elf on Christmas Eve. So let’s get started!!!       Peanut Butter Crunch Truffles       Pistachio Cranberry White Chocolate Chip Sugar Cookies       Santa’s Rocky Road Bars      LIIIIIKKKEEEE SO GOOD RIGHT?! […]

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My Absolute FAV Holiday Pajamas!

Calgary based blog by Drea Marie shares her fav holiday hair style. The TYME iron has changed her hair game.

GAHHHHHH it’s almost here and I haven’t even shared the ONE THING I DO EVERYWHERE. Holiday PJZ Mom always buys me some and we wear them Christmas Eve so that in the morning we open presents in our new, festive pajamas! It is my MOST FAVOURITE THING EVER. I have a lot of most favourite things don’t I? Do we care? No. I’ve thrown together the most amazing pj sets below for you guys. I found them on ShopStyle, my fav browsing site.    {photos from ShopStyle} > UGG Slippers – $79 from UGG > Patricia Green GLAM Slippers – $70 from Zappos > Christmas Spirit Set – $16 from BooHoo > Light Pink Night Shirt – $89 from Eberjey > Crushed Velvet Shorts – […]

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NINTH DAY OF BLOGMAS: Ugly Christmas Sweater

I don’t always dress up in an ugly Christmas sweater… but when I do, it’s with Veuve. But seriously how many of you have an ugly Christmas sweater party this year? last year? every year? Yeah same. It’s actually such a fun way to organize a more casual gathering with friends; which is a nice break from getting dolled up for every other Holiday party, dinner or event. I decided to throw on the ol’ ugly Christmas sweater, but with Veuve of course.      This one is actually from Ardene. I know right? So cute and what a bargain. Now a days you can find them EVERYWHERE:  Winners The Bay ASOS Claire’s Forever 21 H&M Simons Nordstrom and pretty much everywhere else. Below are […]

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