HI.  So, if you followed along this weekend, I met these two gorgeous girls and overheard them talking about instant botox. I heard one say, “I swear to god, instant botox. You know it’s my thing!” WELLLLLLL obviously I had to find out what the heck this was because WE NEED TO KNOW. EGG WHITES. Like from a store. She explained from start to finish in detail. She actually gets botox but between appointments when she has an event and her botox is not fully effective anymore she does this trick and swears by it. Crack an egg into a small bowl, throw out the yolk and whisk the heck out of it. Then, you apply the egg white to your face in an UPWARD […]

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I usually post something like this closer to the big day, December 25th. This year, when I sat down the plan our 12 days of giveaways, I purposefully scheduled this earlier on. The holidays can get overwhelming, hectic, exciting and stressful all at the same time. Then it’s over. Just like that. It is SO important to take time for yourself during the holidays and actually ENJOY every single moment. Yeah I know, between baking, wrapping gifts, creating cocktails, basting a turkey, who has TIME for themselves?!?! Well I’ve created some tips and tricks to make it a reality this holiday season. Since this post is coming earlier than usual, we have TONS of time to implement these tips so we can have the best […]

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K you need to try the Super Collagen Mask

It’s actually insanely good. and NO this is not sponsored for all of you wondering. I bought this with my own money and will continue to do so cause it is THAT GOOD. Especially in the spring. I feel like my skin needs a wake up and this is exactly that. My skin feels PLUMPER. Is that weird? Fine lines are smoother, my skin is brighter and yes, plumper. I find it also calms any redness or irritation, probably thanks to the oatmeal in it. You’ve probably heard of MARIO BADESCU’s drying lotion or the rose water. BOTH ARE SO GOOD. Kylie Jenner swears by the drying lotion to get rid of any blemishes. But honestly, the one that I swear by, is this super collagen […]

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Peter Thomas Roth Irish Moor Mask = the NEW CHARCOAL CRAZE.

Peter Thomas Roth Irish Moor Mask is the new CHARCOAL CRAZE.

OKAY I know I know last week was skincare too. But I just really really wanna share with you what I’ve found cause I know you’re gunna love it. Let’s start at the VERY beginning:  I was at Sephora browsing through the endless supply of beauty/skincare products when a consultant, let’s call her Sally, asked if she could help me find anything. UGH, I hate that question cause I usually have 9 things I would like to find…  But I settled on picking up what I needed, the usual Glamglow Supermud mask. Sally lead me over to the Glamglow section which has now quadrupled in size & products. I was in the middle of asking Sally which of the new products she recommends when she stopped and politely replied, “Honestly, […]

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