XMAS Shopping {Part1}

Hey suga suga What’d you get up to this week? Any Xmas shopping? No? Okay GREAT, cause I’ve got some gift ideas that need your attention STAT. A wise woman once tweeted “People that bash on getting in the Christmas spirit in November are not the kind of people I need in my life “ – Chloe Cappelletto ‏@TheChloeCapp That is how I feel every year. As far as I’m concerned as soon as the stroke of midnight hits Halloween night, the tricks are done and I’m busy spreading Christmas cheer.. quite literally but with more like screeches of excitement. Therefore, gift guides are totally due. I’m breaking this into two separate posts. One now and one in a couple weeks cause I mean the more the […]

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Hallowqueen Tips + Treats

What’s up gouls and boys? Okay so yeah it’s Halloween next weekend and if you’re like me you have parts of last years costume and not much else ready to go. What can I say? I’ve been busy dreaming of Christmas plans rather then my Halloween attire…. Newsflash, I’m not a huge Halloween buff {pause for screams of terror} Like yea I like to get together with friends and eat candy and drink freaky Halloween punch but I’m not entering the costume contest. Let’s just call it as it is. I’m a Hallowqueen. No, not the Queen Of Halloween {clearly…}, Hallowqueen. Anyone else with me? Well, if you are {or even if you aren’t}, check out my last minute Halloween outfit tricks AND makeup treats below ;) […]

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Thanksgiving Tips + Fashions {& a treat }

Hey gorgey Thanksgiving is this weekend. Yeah that means food, family gatherings, friends, chilly weather, and Grannies famous pumpkin pie. So I’ve got 2 parts to this weeks post. 1.} How not to gain 5 lbs from Thanksgiving 2.} What to wear for Thanksgiving dinner As mentioned before, our frenemy ‘Food’ will be at Thanksgiving dinner. In order to keep you and Food from having a complete meltdown cat fight this year, follow these 5 secrets: 1.} Pick the small plate You can still sit at the adult table but pick the small plate. It’ll help you with portion control. If you’re still starved after one plate you can always get more but if it’s in front of you you’re more likely to finish it all and […]

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Wearable Technology + Girl Talk with Vestechpro

Girl. I’ve got ground breaking news. Have you heard about wearable technology? Tech + Fashion. Two of the best things. Throw in health + wellness?! Well now you’ve got my FULL attention. OMG this is my new fav area in fashion. So spark{le} was lucky enough to listen in on Wear It Smart, which is a full day conference in Montreal devoted to exploring ground breaking, thought provoking fashion tech. To make things even MORE fabulous, we were able to ‘Girl Talk’ with Vestechpro’s Executive Director Mrs. Paulette Kaci. {full Girl Talk below} So let’s get into what secrets I have to share with you cause today we have many. I feel like Canada’s western destinations have had a taste of fashion tech but I want us to enjoy […]

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