How to Create the Perfect Flat Lay

Drea Marie is sharing how to create the PERFECT flat lay. Whether you're a blogger, photographer or avid Instagrammer, this is for you.

Today I’m spilling my tips + tricks on how to create the perfect flat lay. It’s mayyyyybe a little blogger/photographer directed. OR it’s also for anyone looking to step up their IG game. Cause we all know Instagram is life. JK calm down. Numero uno, it takes practice and TONS of playing around. BUT I can lay out {ha..ha} some pretty easy guidelines for you to follow to create the perfect flat lay. Wait what is a flat lay? A flat lay is a photography technique used to showcase products or tell a story. Basically it’s rearranging objects or materials on a surface in a way that captivates your followers/audience. I do a lot of flat lays. Like a LOT. And I’ve learned a few things. […]

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Absolutely Proposals + Valentine’s Day GIVEAWAY!

Drea Marie is sharing an inside look at a brand new business in Calgary, AB; Absolutely Proposals. Specializing in proposals & event planning.

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY LOVERS! Ohhhh my goodness do I have the perfect Vday blog post for you today or WHAT. Today is the day for LOVE and that is exactly what we are celebrating. I am introducing a BRAND NEW YYC based company launching TODAY!! Absolutely Proposals & Romantic Events is LIVE. YES! AND WE ARE HOSTING A MAJOR GIVEAWAY TO CELEBRATE! Not just to one, but THREE lucky winners!!!!! AKA If my math is correct, that means your chances of winning are even HIGHER. First, let’s get into the spirit of things with help from our friends over at Absolutely… JUICY PROPOSAL FACTS: National Proposal Day is March 20th Couples wait an average of 14 months after their proposal to get married. – Wedding Paper Divas […]

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Say Hello to Withings Thermo

Drea has found the new health gadget for 2017. The Withings Thermo. Find out why she is loving her and so will you.

Withings is back, back again. Today we’re discussing the Thermo by Withings. Okay you know that I’m into tech lately, but I’ve always been into health. Which is why I was SO HAPPY to get my hands on a Withings Thermo. SO let’s back up. Has ANYYYONE ever taken a temp and then forgotten it? I actually have the worst memory but I can’t be alone. OR do you have white coat syndrome but not the blood pressure kind, the kind where you get into a doctors office and blank on everything you need to say or explain and then panic cause ‘OMG I forgot to say this, this and this‘? UGH the struggle is REAL. So what if I told you you could cut that all out. Thanks […]

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The New MacBook Pro 2016 is LEGIT.

OH HIIIII did you forget about me? HOW WAS EVERYONE’S NEW YEARS?! Or are we not talking about that night yet? Fair. New subject. Who needs a new laptop? Who has been constantly deleting files and having temper tantrums when their laptop slows down to 1990 dial up speed? I HEAR YA. It’s a different world. A much faster world. If Mom doesn’t text me back in 1 minute I assume she’s given up on me. Kidding Mom. But we are all expecting lightning speed in every aspect of our lives now. It’s just our generation. SO when my MacBook Air from first year University was having a panic attack with every photo upload I would calmly tell myself ‘One day… one day we will move […]

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